The Trasimeno winery

Located in the heart of Etruscan Umbria, a land marked by agricultural and oenological culture, the winery is the result of the efforts of the winemakers of the coastal municipalities of Lake Trasimeno, and is today one of the most important Umbrian wine cellars.

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Our vines

Today, Duca della Corgna is the only production company in the Lake Trasimeno area that, in addition to traditional vines, with a long and diligent commitment over the years, has managed to enhance the Trasimeno Gamay (or Gamay Perugino) with absolutely flattering results.
Results due to the attention and special care that the native vines receive such as Trasimeno Gamay and Grechetto which are flanked by the classic Sangiovese with Merlot and Cabernet sauvignon among the reds and the Trebbiano toscano among those with white grapes.

Our history

Over time the structure of the Cantina del Trasimeno has expanded and has acquired a fundamental role for the agriculture of the territory coming to vinify almost 12,000 tons of grapes in the early 80s.

After a phase of downsizing linked to the progressive aging of the vineyards, the winery wanted to focus decisively on high quality wines renewing the vineyards and making use of the most advanced technologies available.

In this context the “Duca della Corgna” line was born. This line takes its name from Duchy of Castiglione del Lago and from marchis Ascanio della Corgna, captain of fortune, architect and military engineer who, with his deeds, in the 16th century, made these places known throughout Europe.

Cantina del Trasimeno Duca della Corgna

The Winery Today

Today Cantina del Trasimeno is a cooperative of 200 members for a total area of ​​about 300 hectares.

The use of rigorous agronomic techniques in the vineyard, the decisive technological innovation in the winery and the technical contribution of serious and qualified professionals are the ingredients that make this cooperative winery one of the most interesting realities of the Trasimeno area and of the national enological panorama.

The production is organized in order to control every phase of the production cycle, from the countryside to the winery: the production of the grapes up to the harvest, the vinification, the maturation of the wine both in wood and in steel, the bottling, the refinement in the bottle.

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